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Monday June 10th,2013 Module #3 7-9PM “Somato Respiratory Integration Workshop” with Dr. Brian Ghessi D.C. $30 per Module All are welcome to attend - there will be a brief review

“Somato Respiratory Integration Workshop”

Date: June 10, 2013 - 7:00 pm
Time: 7:02 pm  to 

Discover…. Transform…. Awaken…. Integrate
Have you ever wanted to tune into your body, mind and spirit so that you could decide what is most honoring for you? Success in life is largely determined by just how in tune we can be to our body’s signals. The truth is we’re getting so much valuable information all the time, but so often we miss the signs we’re getting because our level of connection with ourselves is not as developed as it could be. When we are not as connected to our body, we feel stressed, overwhelmed, disconnected, unmotivated, and unhealthy.
Becoming more connected to your body and its wisdom is the key to feeling happy, alive, motivated and energetic in life. This workshop is designed to teach you the skills and strategies that you can employ to gain greater access to your inner wisdom. Through a series of mind-body-breath exercises, called Somato Respiratory Integration (SRI), anyone can gain greater access to the body’s signals and signs.

Module #3 – Transform (Emotional/Mental Energy Level) – SRI Exercises 4-7
Module #3 – gain greater control of your body and mind; learn to generate confidence and power from within, learn to create the energy to break through the emotional/mental barriers holding you back, and learn to resolve old unproductive patterns and put new productive patterns in place

Cost: $30 for each 2 hour module

“Somato Respiratory Integration Workshop”